Frequently Asked Questions

[gs_8a] [toggler title=”What is the objective of the classes?”]The programs developed by Insurance Partners Academy allow agents, brokers, underwriters, risk managers, claims adjusters, loss control consultants and insurance buyers to gain specialized knowledge in managing and insuring risks. The courses are designed to increase the credibility, expertise and competence of individuals who sell, underwrite, adjudicate claims, manage safety or purchase insurance.[/toggler] [toggler title=”How much experience do I need to take the class?”]Whether you have been working with insurance for many years or just started, this class will increase your knowledge and provide practical applications to use right away. There are no prerequisites for this course, nor any advance preparation.[/toggler] [toggler title=”Who should attend this program?”]Agents, brokers, customer service representatives, underwriters, risk managers, loss control consultants, claims adjusters, insurance buyers, and others benefit from the program. [/toggler]

On the certification classes:

[toggler title=”Can I use the Insurance Partners Academy logo and place the designation after my name?”]Yes, this program was designed to give recognition to a serious study and showcase the time and effort you have committed to becoming a Property Risk or Workers Compensation expert. [/toggler] [toggler title=”Is there an exam?”]Final passing of the course requires full attendance, participation in the course activities and successful completion of a case study within four weeks of completing the course. You will receive your certificate after submission of the case study.[/toggler] [toggler title=”What is required to maintain my certification?”]There is no recertification required at this time; however, several courses and studies will be strongly recommended to deepen your knowledge and skill level in the Property Risk or Workers Compensation area.[/toggler] [toggler title=”Can I just do the case study without attending class?”]No. The interaction and discussion with colleagues is an important part to understanding the whole picture.[/toggler] [toggler title=”Can I purchase the course material without taking the class?”]No. The materials are designed to use in the class. They do not have the same value as a stand alone product. [/toggler] [toggler title=”Can I just come for part of the program?”]The course is designed to be taken in order. The various components are interactive, dynamic and reciprocal. Understanding one aspect has impact on the others making the learning experience more valuable. [/toggler] [toggler title=”Are the certification courses filed for Continuing Education credits?”]Yes, see below.[/toggler]

National Association of State Boards of Accountancy

Our certification classes are approved with the NASBA under the Management Advisory Services – Risk Management field of study for 25.5 credits. Many of our other non certification classes are approved for credits as well.

“Partners Publications LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credits. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site:”

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